A new calendar year is here, so it is helpful to look at the trends shaping the facility management industry in 2023. The FM sector has expanded considerably in recent years, caused partly by the demand for specialized knowledge and the growing complexity of facility portfolios.
After nearly three years of pandemic-related disruption, facility management is now more crucial than ever. We foresee the following six facility management trends, which will dominate in 2023 and initiate positive changes.
Let’s have a look!
The concept of office as a service
The previous years brought with them work from home (remote work). Namely, the return to offices in 2023 can bring compliance with the needs of employees. By doing so, employees will want to return to their initial work location, which can be improved and bring in better results. Facilities management teams need a solid strategy to get information on what employees want from office space.
Measuring the actual occupancy level of business facilities
An option to reduce costs is to reduce the size of offices and business premises. But you should be careful. Redundant facility downsizing will lead to overcrowding and employee dissatisfaction. The solution is to measure the actual occupancy level of business facilities instead of mere estimates. With current data, you will arrive at the correct size of your space. That will bring lower costs without a negative impact on the employee experience.
Achieving sustainability through data
Countless times we have mentioned sustainability, which is no longer a trend, but a necessity. It is the same in 2023. Sustainable business in the long term represents a positive shift in business and, most importantly, environment care and energy and resource consumption. With continuous data monitoring, the path to sustainability is easier. Also, the effect will be better, and the employees will transfer concentration on the vital issue.
Reducing the workload of teams with equal distribution
Every employee represents potential. Try to use the full potential of each employee without unnecessary steps. By regularly controlling the consumption of energy, services, maintenance, repairs and waste, you will make it easier to shape the office experience of each employee. Examine the individual work habits and preferences and offer the best solutions for completing tasks and utilizing working hours.
Cleaning and hygiene challenges
We know how the pandemic has created new challenges in cleaning and hygiene. That leads to the improvement of the mentioned protocols. More frequent cleaning occurs, especially on surfaces that are touched daily. The use of disinfectants is increasing as well as the protective equipment of the cleaning staff.
The most significant trend – workplace automation and robotics
With the entry into the new year, workplace automation and robotics experts are increasing. These trends will become commonplace. Companies are looking for ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Facility managers are responsible for the maintenance and facilities operation and play a vital role in the process. Robots assist in performing various tasks, such as cleaning and delivering mail. Process automation makes repetitive tasks such as scheduling meetings and ordering materials easier.