Our employees are the Group’s greatest asset. Their skills and way of being are at the root of our success and progress. The Group’s state of mind provides a framework in which all of our employees, regardless of gender, age, origin or culture, can fully express their personalities. The Atalian state of mind provides a foundation that encourages commitment and a common human attitude.
Our employees are our greatest asset and the foundation of our development. Their well-being, development and commitment are essential. We therefore encourage our employees to take initiatives and decisions, to perform their duties, but also to fully assume their responsibilities.
To develop in a changing and complex world, to meet the expectations of our stakeholders and to meet new societal challenges (urbanization, demographics, globalization, climate, digitization, pandemics…), we know how to react quickly, transform our organisations and methods, reinvent our businesses, and adapt at all times.
Now established in 36 countries, our Group has developed rapidly by bringing together hundreds of companies and contractors, and tens of thousands of employees with extremely different cultures and profiles. This diversity is a fabulous asset that has enabled us to build an open company that is every bit as local as it is global.
Our stakeholders (investors, customers, suppliers) have demonstrated their great trust in us, and this obliges us to behave ethically in all circumstances and in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, to respect our commitments and to be irreproachable. We leave nothing to chance. Every decision, process and gesture counts. No detail is overlooked when striving for operational excellence. We make a commitment to service and results. We measure our performance and report it transparently.